Overview of the SmartHunts App and how use the available features.
This video explains how best to take advantage of the SmartHunts System. We developed the SmartHunts® Apps, allowing us to deliver an exciting, fun, high-tech teambuilding experience. Our mobile technology takes corporate events to a whole new level.

Visit the Apple App store!
STEP ONE - Get The SmartHunts App
Go to the Apple App store on your Apple device and download the SmartHunts® App.
If you have any questions, please call Support at text or call 781-704-5030.

FIRST STEP - Download the Android SmartHunts® App
1) Download - Click the SALMON DOWNLOAD BUTTON found below, and follow the instructions. After you click "Download Now", visit the home screen for your updated SmartHunts App.
Follow the operating system installation instructions.
SECOND STEP - Event Game Set up
After you have the SmartHunts App installed, it is time to load your event game.
You will need a user name and password to begin. (If you do not have your user name and password, let us know.) If you have your usr/pw, it is easy.
Easy as One, Two, Three!
1) Login - Click the blue "V" found in the upper right hand of your SmartHunts Screen.
2) Select Game/Download - You will find your available games on the login list. Select your game, and hit "download". You will see the progress of the download. Once complete, you will be advised. You will see red letters at bottom of screen read "ADMIN MODE". You will need to log out of Admin mode, which will set up Player mode.
3) Team Registration - Log out out of "Admin Mode" into "Player Mode". In order to start the game, teams must "Register" with a fun team name, and a cell phone number. Once they complete registration, the game will start.
Important: When you first load the SmartHunts Game, the App will ask for permission to store images in the Photo Gallery, and Video Gallery. If you wish to have your photos saved to your phone, please permit the App to store your images in these locations.
Ready, Set, Go! Enjoy your SmartHunt Experience. If you have any questions, please text or call Support at 781-704-5030.
Hit Download Now! Then proceed to your home screen, you will find the
SmartHunts App on your last screen.